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Басейн і павільйон „Веселка" на Союзівці
area was separate from the swimming
area. A spacious deck area was provid­
ed, since study shows that people spend
90% of their time out of the water.
The deck area of course added appre­
ciably to the cost, but it is well appre­
ciated by all who use it.
In the first 3 years one clay court
was adequate, but our youth demanded
more and they got it. Soyuzivka's land
was hilly and it was a big job to create
level areas. Bulldozers cut and filled
much as they could and more fill had
to be trucked in. Today Soyuzivka
boasts 5 tennis courts, which is more
than many hotels have that are seven
times it's size.
At the same time fill was trucked
in to make a soccer-softball field. All
this was done for the benefit of our
youth and our youth are the biggest
champions of Soyuzivka.
Now Soyuzivka suffered and is still
suffering from growing pains. More
people more facilities. More water was
being consumed. A steel tank capable
of storing 400,000 gallons of water had
to be erected, wells had to be drilled,
new pipe lines laid, more sewage faci­
lities, larger electrical services, more
parking areas, roads had to
air conditioning has to be installed.
These, are problems which though par­
tially solved must be further developed.
Our members are demanding more
rooms, since Soyuzivka is not able to
accommodate all who wish to stay
here be it in the summer or weekends
after the season.