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Головний адміністраційний будинок на Союзівцг
The Ukrainian Courses which started
in the second year of Soyuzivka's ex­
istence also had a place to function.
At first the courses were attended
mostly by students in college. The
U.Y.L. of N.A. sent teachers to instruct
Ukrainian dancing and for several
years banduras were made and the
girls learned cross-stitching.
The courses are still popular though
the age of the students attending
is younger. In three and a half short
weeks one would be amazed how much
Ukrainian history, literature, art and
language is learned by these students.
Each succeeding year business im­
proved, despite the lack of some facili­
ties. The swimming pool was an over­
size bathtub about 25 ft. wide by 50
ft. long. Dancing was inside the old
Clubhouse and the bar was in a room
not much larger than one of our guest
rooms. Then the managers made a
bold decision. On their own, they had
a small 40 ft. radius dance floor built
outdoors. I t was a success, the dancers
loved it. But the Executives didn't.
When they saw very few people in the
bar they told the managers "You have
ruined our business, you must tear
down the platform first thing Monday
morning!'' The cash registers told a
different story which made them
change their minds. In fact the dance
floor attracted more people every week.
I t became so apparently successful that
the following year it was torn down
to build an outdoor platform three
times larger. This platform was to last
7 years, when it was realized that
when it rained people had no place to
dance, then the Recreation Hall was
built. Customers are the bosses in any
business. Their likes and demands
have to be catered to, especially in the
hotel business. They still like dancing
outdoors under the stars and the new
Recreation Hall features dancing out­
doors on special composition floor laid
on the roof and the entertainment pro­
grams are held inside.
Another milestone in progress was
made when the old pool was torn down
and a new steel pool was constructed.
This pool was constructed by Soyuziv­
ka's own help plus the hiring of a few
craftsmen. The L shape was chosen be­
cause it was safe in that the diving