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of Ukrainian literature and of the geii-
ius of the Ukrainian people-.."
Among the Ukrainian authors whose
short stories appeared in the volume
are Marko Vovchok, Ivan Franko, Olha
Kobylianska, Michael Kotsiubynsky,
Modest Levytsky, Lesia Ukrainka, Va-
syl Stefanyk, Les Martovych, Bohdan
Lepky, Marko Cheremshyna, Volody-
myr Vynnychenko, Yuriy Klen, Alexan–
der Dovzhenko, Leonid Mosendz, Gre–
gory Kosynka, Arkady Liubchenko, Yu–
riy Lypa, Anatole Kurdydyk, Oleh Ly-
siak, Ivan Kernytsky and Ivan Smoliy.
The book serves undoubtedly many
purposes, primarily as a textbook of
Ukrainian short stories to be used in
schools and colleges.
But by far the most important pub–
lication sponsored by the UNA was
the first English-language encyclope–
dia on Ukraine, entitled,
Ukraine: A
Concise Encyclopaedia,
published by
the University of Toronto Press in the
fall of 1963. The 1185-page work em–
braces such important sections as gen–
eral information on Ukraine, physical
geography and natural history, popula–
tion, ethnography, language, history
and culture. It was prepared by the
Shevchenko Scientific Society under the
general editorship of Prof. Volodymyr
Kubiyovych and some 70 contributors.
These are only the most important
English-language publications which
the UNA has published or sponsored
for other organizations to publish.
There are a number of smaller works,
brochures and reprints which have ap–
peared under the sponsorship of the
UNA, and which cannot be enumerated
or analyzed in this article.
Is summing up, we can state with–
out fear of being contradicted that
UNA publications have played and now
play a vital role in establishing the
proper identity of Americans of Ukrain–
ian descent. They helped immensely in
shaping the heritage of the Ukrainian
American generation, and they were
and are the guideposts for our young
generation for whom Ukraine was and
is only a vast and undefinable notion,
a sentimental term which they inherited
from their immigrant parents. But the
UNA publications, along with numerous
other books on Ukraine, published by
other Ukrainian or American organiza–
tions, laid the groundwork for a better
comprehension and knowledge on U-
kraine and the Ukrainian people in the
English-speaking world.
The UNA has done yeoman's work
in pioneering the dissemination of
objective and unbiased knowledge and
information on Ukraine. It has been
foremost among other ethnic commu–
nities in the United States in the field
of educational work on the national and
cultural heritage of the ancestral home
country of over two million Americans
of Ukrainian descent.
It is one of the most appropriate
recognition that our community can
offer the UNA on the 75th anniversary
of its founding this year.